Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Untold things not to take before the surgery

I got a little curious and researched further about things I shouldn't have taken before the surgery, that I wasn't told about and found several lists, which are making me paranoid.

Dept of Otolaryngology

Dallas Otolaryngology

More extensive list of drugs/herbs not to take before any surgery

Basically, it says do not take advil, ibuprofen and such drugs 10 days before surgery, but I don't recall reading it anywhere in anything I was given, and I took an ibuprofen about 2-3 days ago and now I'm all paranoid if I'm going to bleed to death or something. I don't think it's common... bleeding to death from them... but it'll cause me to bleed more than I would otherwise and I suppose it'll be an issue. I'm currently on the phone with the surgeon's assistants to find out if I need to reschedule before this.

Besides that, I also drink these natural energy drinks called Guru, and although nothing in them is on the lists, even that is making me worried. I would've preferred being told about this stuff so I could be super precautious and not be all worried like I am right now. Last thing I want to happen is to die from over bleeding or some heart issue and leaving my husband and family and friends miserable from it.

On the other hand, apparently the anesthiologist never got a hold of "me", and I never got a hold of her, and it seems she was suppose to confirm things with me before the day of the surgery, but we'll see what happens tomorrow... if they don't tell me to reschedule... hoping they won't... still on hold on the phone right now... seems like it's not a big deal (at least to my surgeon), so we'll see how tomorrow goes...
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1 comment:

  1. You'll live. The biggest thing is to simply not eat anything, so you don't puke & aspirate it.

    I can't get to my file from Kirsten (MommaBird), but she has an excellent pre- & post-surgical checklist. I sent the two of you a FB friend suggestion.


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