Thursday, September 9, 2010

One week

In likely one week from right now (1:00pm) I will be just getting home from the surgery. And Thomas has managed to get thursday and friday off from work to be with me (which wasn't even necessary, but if he can score a day off from work, he'll do it), even though there's a slight chance the commanders will be mean and make him go to work. Either way, he'll still be able to go with me to the surgery since it's at 7am, but as soon as we get home, he'd have to get ready and leave for work if it comes to it.

On wednesday morning I've got a pre-surgery appointment. I guess to go over everything that is going to happen and make sure I want the AB and so on. Maybe, I'm hoping, I will be able to choose where exactly I want him to put the magnet piece. Yup yup.

Then it appears Oct 1st, I have a post-surgery appt... not sure what for... maybe to make sure my scar is healing fine and everything. Then I'll get the external piece and get it turned on in mid October. Literally, right before my 2nd Anniversary and Thomas's birthday.
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