Sunday, November 21, 2010

CI setback

When I was waiting for my surgery for the CI, I was warned that even though the CI will improve my hearing and communication, it's not going to perfect it. Of course I was aware of this and never expected perfection, but a few nights ago I got my first taste of proof of it. I was at walmart at the checkout and realized I couldn't hear the cashier talk at all because the store was so loud due to its electricity usage causing hums and all that crap. That was the first time since getting the CI that I felt like my usual hard-of-hearing-in-my-own-world self. I was kinda sad because it shouldn't do that!! If I wanted to be myself, I would not wear it.

There is a program called ClearVoice for AB's recipients and it is an upgrade program. Unfortunately, the FDA has not approved it for this country yet, and it is only available in Canada and Europe, and I think I've heard even Mexico has it. It is suppose to have the capability to zone in on vocals while putting environment noises in the background so it improve communication in situations similar to what I was in at walmart. There is mostly good reviews of the program, but some bad. But either way, I and probably many in this country, can't wait to have it and at least test it out.

What's the FDA waiting on anyway? They approve of bugs and poop in our food but won't pass a potential beneficial implant program? Why is the FDA in charge of such medical things anyway? They are the "food and drug administration", not "medical" anything. Perhaps a separate administration needs to be developed for such cases. The MA: "Medical Association" and I will be President. Kinda serious there. :-)


  1. Well there already is the AMA: American Medical Association, so I know the name would be pretty off. But just maybe the product needs to shift to the AMA or another company in control of such things.

  2. yea it is a bit odd that the FDA would be in charge, unless there's a market here for eating cochlear implants LoL. Which would be odd


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