Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tomorrow is the daayyyyyyyyy

Tomorrow morning at 9am, I get my implant activated. I am actually pretty excited. Kinda the same way I'm excited about Christmas morning. Or needing to wake up early to take a trip. Thrilled! I don't even care that I gotta wake up at 8am! EIGHT!

I'm already planning tomorrow morning. I hate fast food, but I love McDonalds sausage and biscuit, and I'm NEVER awake or out of the house early enough to get it, so I'm planning to get one tomorrow to eat on the way to the Audi. I also almost never get one correctly made... without cheese. Some of the people just manage to put stupid unnecessary cheese on every breakfast item and I'm too lazy to waltz in and demand they remake it... since it was only $1. Ha. This might also be partially because I sometimes try and order a egg and sausage biscuit... WITHOUT cheese.... it's just too complicated an order for McDonald's workers to succeed at.

Last time I was at the Hearing Center, I noticed there's a really awesome outdoors mall one block away, and I'm going to TRY and talk my lovely understanding husband to let us go there for an hour before we go home. Not really to shop, but to maybe eat some lunch and walk around. I'm expecting him to say 'no.' :-( But maybe he'll say 'yes.' :-D

I'm hoping to go to the AZ State Fair on sunday. Discount morning. And we didn't go last year, so it is vital that we go this year... because I like fairs. I'm hoping they have some navajo fried dough... which is familiar to the east coasters, but maybe considered... or mistaken... as funnel cake to the west coasters. I've never had a funnel cake, but it doesn't quite look the same to me. But fried dough with powdered sugar is the BEST JUNK EVER.

So, many of you are hoping I can get tomorrow filmed, and you'll be happy to know our digital camera has a camcorder, so we will manage to get some of it filmed. I do not like to see myself talking on film, but I will make you all happy and 'try' and post it anyway. I really don't know how to post video's...yet... but I'm definitely planning to get one up.

My husband and I celebrate our 2 year Anniversary on monday, the 18th. We have habits of going to the zoo's on "romantic days"... like Valentine's Day, which is our tradition, and I'm thinking we might go to the zoo on monday. I'm really hoping my CI works well enough that I can hear the birds chip and hear the monkeys talk to me telepathically and the giraffes... grunt... to me (do giraffe's make noise)? Yaaaa. But it might be a long stretch... those might be sounds I won't be able to hear for several months. As I just read that someone who had his CI activated recently has managed to only hear beeps and whistles, and the like, as he had to start out a little slow and work his way up. Not necessarily too slow, as he only had to spend a day or two before getting it updated. But we'll find out tomorrow what my fate is.

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