Monday, October 25, 2010

10 days after activation

Not a whole lot has changed yet. I've worn it to the grocery store and Target a few days ago, and noticed the stores really aren't as loud as I anticipated they'd be. Yet, this could be cause I've had the volume on the low side lately cause once it reaches a certain range, everything becomes high pitchy all over again, so it's more tolerable and constant where I tend to keep the volume. I try to turn it up a little more when I watch TV though so I can grasp more of the vocals and whatever else the TV is throwing at me.

Vocals aren't as bad as they were a week ago, but they're still not clear (which is expected cause it's still early in my journey).

The other day I actually heard the radio that my husband turns on loud (loud according to my left ear that has a profound loss, but not loud to his normal ears), 2 rooms away with the CI. Under my non-CI hearing, I wouldn't hear that radio unless I was within 5 feet of it, sometimes less.

I wish I could say I'm hearing many things in the environment, but I don't seem to be. The CI is picking up the jets this time, though they don't sound like jets, I can still tell they're jets from my left ear. Otherwise, when I wear it outside, it seems pretty quiet ... besides the few cars that drive by over the wall ... and when I wear it to the stores, I guess I'm too busy shopping to really pay attention to anything I could possibly be hearing. Though i certainly noticed when the battery died in Target.

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