Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Health Update

Since my visit to the doctor, I left with some anti-nausea and anti-dizzy pills to basically prevent me from dehydrating myself again, as that seems my biggest threat when I get vertigo and nausea cause I can easily go days without eating and sipping barely one cup of water/liquids. The pills worked for the most part, although I felt like either the anti-dizzy pills aren't working 100% or I'm having side effects from one or both of them that is just causing a small amount of dizziness. It's been two days since I've taken a pill and I feel like I don't need them lately. Lingering symptoms is mostly a deep feeling of lingering dizziness that will definitely come back full on eventually, headaches and tinnitus. Tinnitus use to not bother me very much cause I had it so often and it was usually short lived, but for the past two weeks it's been like a motor going off in my right (implanted) ear and its been always accompanied with a tension headache.

Another side effect, which is the most uncomfortable one, is this feeling deep in my arms, hands and legs that feels like something is insulting my nerves, or maybe my blood. I can't really explain what it feels like; it's just really uncomfortable, makes me shake my arms, take deep breaths, switch positions and wait for it to go away. It usually always kicks in when I'm laying in bed and the only other times I ever feel it, is when I'd drink more than one glass of wine at night.

On a side note, I've also noticed caffeine, in coffee or tea format, and alcohol are setting off the symptoms. Again, no idea why. It's all sudden and I have never abused using either drinks.

So far, I got called in to take a pregnancy test today to rule that out as the cause, because of the nausea and vertigo (apparently vertigo is a rare symptom in pregnant ladies and lasts up to 3 months), and I expect the test to be negative for several obvious reasons. Plus, if it required being as sick as I was to have a kid, I don't think I'm going to ever want a kid cause that's just a death threat. Also, apparently my surgeon is out of the country for the next two weeks, so I can't get a consult from him for another 2 weeks at least. And if my symptoms come back or get worse, I'm just suppose to call his nurse... and then probably go to the ER since they'll be my only option.

I expect to be called in for a few more tests, but I'll find out over the next week or two. Some research I did tonight suggested viral labyrinthitis, but again, dunno. Really can't find any information at all on possible infections post-cochlear implant surgery. All anyone reads about is Meningitis, and I doubt I've got Meningitis, as the symptoms don't match and I had the vaccine.

Another update- 2 hours later:
Uncomfortable pressure, tension and tinnitus in my right ear right now, radiating in the area in front of the ear, up to my temple. Also, I took the CI off for an hour because it's irritating my ear, and when I put it back on, voices are making a crackling sound... like when someone is sick with mucus in their throat and they sound all broken up. It also seems to make the tension and tinnitus worst. I experienced the same crackled voices a few days ago too, but it went away.

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