Here's the day or surgery went (yesterday): after a measly 4 hours of sleep and waking up 3:30am and waiting to leave at 6am, we got to the outpatient surgery center in downtown Phoenix, an hour early (we were expecting traffic, which wasn't so bad in the carpool lane). We arrive at about 6:50am, fill out paperwork, and am called in around 8am. They have me strip down to the undergarments, put on a robe, feet slippers and a hair slip and ask me a bunch of questions. Then the nurse puts the glorious needle in a vein on my hand to give me fluids and check my anemia levels. Then the anesthesiologist shows up and tells me he's going to give me something to "relax", which 2 seconds after he puts that in me, everyone gets really dizzy and I start feeling a lil nauseous, and I passed out. I feel like I was tricked, cause that was suppose to "relax" me, not knock me out. Either way, I vaguely remember being rolled into another room and them telling me to move onto another bed, in which case, i passed out again. Next time I woke up, was about 40 minutes after the surgery. Everything was really blurry and I felt like puking. I had the shakes for about 10 minutes... side effect from the anesthesia I think, then I managed to get my clothes on, in a wheel chair and out of the hospital. My husband and I got home at about 12pm.
My head is wrapped in a huge white bandage and I was told to sleep upright to reduce swelling. Even though I managed that on n off for 4 hours yesterday, I just couldn't do it. So I switched to sleeping flat on my left side for 10 hours last night. Certainly didn't make my good ear feel good, but it hurt worse sitting upright. The pain isn't extreme and I wasn't given any painkillers, though I wish I was, so I was told to take ibuprofen or tylenol as needed. Which didn't seem to help much, and ended up making me paranoid so I stopped taking them cause I felt I was taking too many. Burping tends to hurt my ear drum, although the pain isn't as bad today as it was yesterday. Frankly, besides some swelling under my ear, I feel like the most pain is from my hair being pulled and from where the magnet is implanted. I'm also noticing the bandage is traveling up my head, which is making me think it's pulling on my ear too, which can't be good, so my husband and I are going to attempt to take this one off later and put a new one, which I can leave off tomorrow.
Other than all that, the tinnitus in the implanted ear is annoying and loud and ongoing. I haven't been able to eat anything solid, besides 2 crackers, in the past 24 hours either. My first attempt was some applesauce yesterday but I instantly felt nauseous. I've been drinking some broth here n there, but I'm noticing it's making me tired and dizzy. I also can't open my mouth very wide, although it's likely because I usually gotta pop my jaw in the mornings and I'm not sure I wanna attempt that today.
More to come soon.
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