Yep, just 16. 2 weeks plus 2 days. Dun dun dun.
I been thinking about the baldness I'll have on the right side of my head after the surgery. And I felt some tears deep deep in my soul because it would take 3+ years for that hair to grow as long as the rest of my hair. Unless I cut it all short. I'm considering it. This surgery, the shaving that I can't control, just might be the motivator I've always needed to get my hair cut short. And I don't mean my whiney collar length short, I mean short, like maybe ear length, or shoulder length even.
Something like this -------------------------->
Maybe I should dye my hair blue while I'm at it too. Yep. Granted, it'll only last less than a year before it's time to get the dye out and/or redye my natural color, and/or let my hair continue growing long again. But then, what if I get the other ear done! OMG!
Neh, I'm not really freaking out as much as I'm expressing it. Hehe. But I really am considering a short style after the surgery. Something where I will have no choice but to wear my hair down often cause it'd be too short to pull it up, and it would cover the newly growing hair and the scar for a while. But... we'll see what happens in about 3 weeks. haha. Maybe I won't do anything at all. Which is the more likely outcome since I don't invest much into my hair.
Any post-surgery advice? Should I eat ice cream because it'll make my head feel better? (haha, I know, that makes no sense). How long do I gotta wait to shower again? I think I read a few days, but ... um... well, I can still wash myself 15th century style, ya? Great! Will it hurt to sleep on the side i got implanted? For how long? Will I be able to wear my glasses?!?! How about exercising/sweating?
Well, I'm sure it'll still be ok to take a shower and sleep on that side your getting the implant. Don't worry about doing your normal everyday stuff, but I would say you should take a pain killer of some kind if it starts to hurt.
ReplyDeleteI've had two CI surgeries and your surgeon should tell you what you can't do. My surgeon told me no washing hair for 5 days. That drove me nuts to go that long so I rolled a dry washcloth and placed it over the stitches and washed my hair carefully without getting the washcloth soaked and managed to keep my stitches dry. My surgeon said this was ok as long as I didn't get the incision area wet. It's best to ask your surgeon if this is ok. Take it easy the first week and allow yourself time to heal. Everyone varies as to how they recover. For me it was easy and on the 5th day I was driving. My 2nd surgery I was shopping at K-Mart 2 days after surgery.
ReplyDeleteAs for eating, we usually recommend soft foods for a few days as your jaw may be sore. However, some friends of mine ate a hamburger several hours after surgery.
Also, you will have to sleep elevated so most sleep in recliner chairs. If you don't have a recliner chair, you can sleep elevated with a bunch of pillows piled up and prop yourself up. My surgeon told me to sleep elevated 3-5 days. The first surgery I slept elevated 3 days and the 4th day laid flat and woke up with a swollen face. So my 2nd surgery I slept elevated 6 nights to make sure I didn't have any swelling and I didn't have swelling.
You will be prescribed pain meds and antibiotics so if you can fill these prior to surgery, do that. Take the pain meds if you need to as that helps alot. Many of us have gone thru this surgery with no problems and it was not what I expected. I thought I would have pain and be miserable when it was the opposite! It was a breeze to go thru and the outcome is priceless, to have your hearing when activated.