Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Mom is coming to visit!

Way off topic, I know. But Until Sept, I have nothing on topic to discuss.

I only see my mom about one day a year, if at all, for like 2 hours. We can't talk on the phone (for obvious reasons), she can't afford a computer with internet, so we get to text about a few times a month and that's it. But anyway, I suggested she fly out here and we split the cost of her plane ticket, so voila. She'll be here on monday for a week. What to do though?

It's 115 degrees, on average, out here this summer. You certainly don't want to be outside unless there's a pool to dunk in. I think we'll go bowling. Maybe see a movie. Go to the mall. Have her teach me to crochet (since I taught myself to knit, but figured I should learn crochet cause it's easier to make blankets that way). Possibly go visit her half sister and brother (they have the same father, and they're 20 years younger than my mom), thus they are also my younger half aunt and uncle (haha). We haven't seem in nearly 15 years or so though.

Side news, I have 2 1/2 weeks of vacation before school starts. I'm taking online classes for a Health Science Education degree and there's 4 sessions a year, with 2 week breaks in between them all. It's quite a mundane schedule. Especially since all the classes have, more or less, the same assignment types and deadlines- 4 papers due every 2 weeks for 2 classes for 11 weeks. Either way, I'm so excited to have some free time. Woo.

Other than that, My sister in law is getting married in August to her Coast Guard fiancee. I am a bridesmaid. I hate being a bridesmaid. I am not girly enough to like being a bridesmaid, but I do what I'm told. And I do it cause she wants me to and because she hearts me and I heart her. It shall be fun.

Enough for today. Tootles.

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