Sunday, November 27, 2011

Just when you think it's ended, it really hasn't

For some time now, I've thought I wouldn't have any issues with my CI. Nearly two weeks ago, after beating a cold, I developed vertigo and the nausea that comes with it, again. Totally unexpected. Granted, it wasn't as bad as it was when I had it after my surgery or back in January 2011, but it was bad enough that I had to leave work a few times or risk vomiting everywhere (or fainting, even). I had to go back to the doctor for some anti-vertigo drugs to subside it. One pill is all it takes for the worst of it to go away, even though I can always feel it lingering during the first few hours after waking up, for several weeks.

Supposedly, this might still be a sign that I still have Benign Positional Vertigo (BPV) which was somehow set off during my surgery. I did read up that it is a rare risk of the CI surgery, as some stones in our ears can get shook loose during the surgery. In January, my surgeon gave me some exercises to do to subside it, which I did for about two days, then felt better, and figured I'd not bother doing it for another few weeks. It's likely I just need to do those again and see if the vertigo never comes back. But with my luck, it'll be a recurring condition with no idea what sets it off.


Other than that, the quality of sound from my CI shifts, mostly seems noticeable when I'm sick and when I've had caffeine. Caffeine is an enemy in my body, even in tiny quantities, and sets off my tinnitus, as well as fatigue, tiredness, and sometimes headaches. The sound shift with the CI is that I become really sensitive to it at the lowest volume and that just tends to aggravate my tinnitus even more. Other times it sounds garbled. Kinda like if you're sick and your voice is compromised but you speak anyway and sound ridiculous, that's what the sounds will come in like.

For the most part though, I'm still hearing rather well with the CI. I am overdue for another test and mapping, however, which I am probably going to need to schedule myself since my audiologist of the past year has taken a job elsewhere. However though, I still have no interest in going bilateral.

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