Thursday, February 3, 2011

Health improvements

So basically all that crap I went through (vertigo, nausea, headaches, etc) lasted an entire month. I would say over the past week I have noticed the BPPV is practically gone... and I have NOT been doing the exercises I was suppose to be doing. I was suppose to do some 10 min exercises, 3 times a day for 2 weeks, and I probably did a total of 3 of those 10 minutes over 4 days; I just wasn't very desperate to do them (and they're boring) and I felt worse after 2 of them. The only thing I've been feeling is some lightheadedness in the mornings and a few times over the days. And although this motion symptom I STILL have is a side effect with BPPV, despite the lack of vertigo, I've still had the motion blur when I turn my head from left to right. It's not as bad as it was a week ago; I can pull off driving without feeling like I might crash or something; but it's still here. Also, my jaw problems came back a week ago too; awesome.

Other than all that, I mentioned in my last posting how my hearing levels seemed to have decreased... the level of clarity I was acquiring from speech dropped. Until today. When I put the CI on a few hours ago, the voices on tv, and even my voice, suddenly sounded more sharp and clear. We'll see if this is just a day thing or not.

I suspected the caffeine and alcohol were contributing to my problems I've had all month; although it's not confirmed, I have not had either in 2 weeks and I can't help but wonder if that's why I'm feeling better. I have managed to start my 40 minute cardio sessions again and carrying heavy things. Although my balance can be weak at any moment, which is also probably related to the motion blur in my eyes, so we can assume I've got some balance problems now. My surgeon would say it's all part of the healing process. This whole thing has made me a little sad though because I don't think I will EVER go back on roller coasters anymore. To say that at 25 yrs old is depressing. But being able to hear certainly dominates roller coasters.

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